Whoa Random

So to break up things a bit, here are some interesting facts for your amusement:

- Ligers exist; yes, you heard me correctly. Napoleon Dynamite did not actually make them up, much to my amazement. A liger is a cross between a male lion and a female tiger. Wikipedia says so.

- The Great Wall of China is actually NOT visible to the unaided eye from space, even in low earth orbit.

- The word dord was included for five years in Webster's Dictionary starting in 1934. Unfortunately, this word does not exist.

- Chop Suey, a classic Chinese dish, is American in origin and literally means "odds and ends"

- Neil Armstrong intended to say, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind," which would have made a lot more sense than what he really said. When he saw his quote in the newspapers, he verified this.

- You can work out the temperature by counting how many times crickets are chirping outside, though I can't tell you the exact relationship.

- There's some guy in Australia who calls himself Prince Leonard and he rules over a self-proclaimed principality called the Hutt River Province - they even have their own currency! And the Aussie government seems to be okay with it!

Well, bedtime for me. Hope you have enjoyed these random facts.


johnV said...

Hi JP!

Welcome to the Blogspot group. Like you, I'm new to the group too. This is a very informative post and a very distinctive blog. I'll be coming back for more food for the thought... and if my 1st impression is right, more for the soul. Cheers!

johnV said...


I hope you can find time to drop by my blog.

Robin said...

We actually talked about Ligers in my geology class (we were discussing evolution and cross-breeding species....yes I know the class name is "geology"). The other combination is Tigon - the difference is based upon whether the male/female is lion/tiger or tiger/lion. I'll email you a picture if you want :-)

johnV said...

I've read of such cross-breeds before. Yes, I'd love to have that pic! Do send it over.

johnlazy said...

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