
Palindromes are amazing, there is simply no other way to put it. I can think of no other form of language (or math, in a way) that is often ridiculous but nonetheless logical and impeccably organized. In case you are unfamiliar with palindromes, the most common form spells the same thing backwards as it does forwards. An easy example is "racecar," which is still "racecar" if you turn it around.

Well, today I had a bit of free time and found myself thinking about palindromes. So I decided to try my hand at creating one or two. My favorites are old classics that are absolutely absurd yet lovely, like "Go hang a salami; I'm a lasagna hog" and "Satan - oscillate my metallic sonatas." Using the words "lasagna" and "oscillate" seem like the upper reaches of palindrome creation. Perhaps one day I will find myself in those celestial heights, but until then, I will settle for the lower world. Here is what I came up with on my first try:
"Do not spill; lilac it. Carpet a colossal lasso. Locate practical ill lips to nod."
I was not terribly pleased with this one, though; using "lilac" as a verb just does not satisfy my verbal cravings. So I decided to try again:
"Go home! Decide! Rob a salad! Alas! A bored, iced, emo hog!"
Too bad I've never met an emo hog in person, but at least I didn't verbalize any nouns. And I give myself extra marks for all the exclamation ! points. (I actually despise superfluous exclamation points, just to be clear.)

Clearly I have not perfected my palindromic skills, but I will try again soon and let you see what I come up with. Until then, let me leave you with another, more perfected word art. I can't take credit for this one, but I hope you enjoy:
Haikus are easy,
But sometimes they don't make sense.


Paul said...

Like I said before, those are so sweet. Years from now you could turn into a serial killer/baby rapist/Girl Scout cookie-mugger and I would still have respect for you after that display of linguistic prowess.

Wirth said...

a) I'm pretty happy you have a (well-written) blog
b) I'm even more happy your wrote about palindromes