Hello all! As you may have noticed recently, the blog is changing. Unfortunately, I don't really know HTML, so the changes are slow. I have been wanting to update the format for some time now, so I have finally begun. It will probably take awhile to complete, but eventually I hope to make the blog more attractive and easier to read. I went ahead and switched to this current format because of the wider reading area (I was sick of that thin column on the old blog). But you will probably see more changes, perhaps complete format changes, in the weeks to come.
For now, please notice that the comments are now just under the heading of the article rather than at the end. So you can click on it and comment as usual. Also, notice the great new search bar in the upper right corner of the page. It actually works!! I'm really excited about that. So, for instance, if you type "defenestration," you will notice that I have mentioned the topic twice!
If you follow the blog but have not become one of my "followers," please take the time to become one by clicking the follow button in the right hand column a few boxes down. You will need a google email address to do this, I believe.
I am trying to focus my blog a little more from here on out. It has been extremely random, and while I do not plan to eliminate that, I plan to focus more on language, the arts, and culture. Most of my articles have perhaps vaguely fallen into these categories, but I will be more conscious about it henceforth. But trust me, there will still be plenty of ridiculous stories.
I hope you enjoy the blog, and I hope the changes will make it even more enjoyable.
Thanks to all you readers!
Yes! This new look is perfect. It's all I can do to keep myself from blatantly stealing it. Except I don't really make posts, so I guess it doesn't matter. But that format would inspire me to make as many as two new posts.
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